An Introduction to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
- 23/10/2012
- Av: Maksimer
- Kategori: Aktuelt Flyktninghelse Kurs/konferanse
Vi har invitert psykoterapeuten og legen Andrew Harkin, til å førelese på ein to-dagar workshop om sensorimotorisk psykoterapi
Kurset er fullbooka! Send mail til rvts@helse-bergen.no om du ynskjer å stå på venteliste.
Stad: RVTS Vest, Ulriksdal Helsepark, 2. etg.,Ulriksdal 2, 5009 Bergen
Tid: Mandag 17.12. kl. 09.00 – 17.00 og Tirsdag 18.12 kl. 08.30 – 16.30
Første til mølla. Maks 30 deltakarar. Temadagen er gratis, men på grunn av lunsjbestilling ber vi om påmelding. Dersom du ikkje kan komme, gi beskjed i god tid på rvts@helse-bergen.no. Dersom du ikkje gir beskjed, vil du bli belasta med 250,-
Det vert servert enkel lunsj, kaffe/te.
Vi gjer merksam på at undervisninga vert på engelsk!
Målgruppe: Behandlarar i psykiatrisk divisjon i Helse Bergen (DPS og sengepost).
Innhald i workshop:
This workshop is designed to give professional psychotherapists useful theory and skills to enhance their ability to work with traumatic injuries. Through videotaped sessions with traumatized clients, lecture, discussion, handouts and short exercises, workshop participants will be introduced to:
The importance of directed mindfulness in trauma therapy: Through mindfulness, clients can learn to uncouple trauma-based emotions from body sensations, and become skilful at identifying their internal experience rather than identifying with it
Why ” talking about ” may not be always best : ” Memory” for trauma consists largely of re-activated, non-verbal memories, sometimes combined with disjointed, partial narrative accounts.
Explain how physical action can be used to help patients feel empowered and decrease PTSD symptoms: Controlled bodily action can help overcome traumatic repetitions and continued fight/flight/freeze responses
Discuss working at the regulatory boundary of the window of tolerance to resolve traumatic memory: Since clients with complex trauma can be easily triggered by interventions that access the body too quickly, attention will be given to pacing, boundaries, and safe, gradual re-connection with the body.
INSTRUCTOR: Andrew Harkin, is an accredited Psychotherapist and Medical Doctor who has been involved with Sensorimotor Psychotherapy ( SPI ) since 1995. He is fascinated by the relationship between psyche and soma particularly in the emerging rapprochement between neuroscience and psychotherapy. He currently teaches in Ireland, Canada, the UK, Europe, and Australia and maintains a private practice in the County Mayo in the West of Ireland.
[blockquote]”Since re-living of trauma often occurs in the form of physical sensations, which, in turn, precipitate intense trauma-related emotions of terror and helplessness, learning how to manage and uncouple physical sensations from trauma-based emotions has emerged as one of the essential aspects of the effective treatment of PTSD. Pat Ogden (originator of SPI) is the undisputed master for teaching clinicians how to work with physical sensations to help people beyond their trauma. For me, her work has opened up a whole new dimension of effective therapy.”[/blockquote]
Bessel van der Kolk, MD Author of Traumatic Stress
Bilete av Andrew Harkin er henta frå RVTS Sør sine nettsider.
Workshopen er godkjent av følgjande fagforeningar:
Godkjent som 16 timar fritt spesialkurs og som 16 timar vedlikehaldsaktivitet.
Les om når Andrew Harkin underviste på ei kursrekkje om sensorimotorisk psykoterapi på RVTS Sør i mai 2012.